“Smart, stylish horror. Expertly structured.” – Kevin Thomas, Los Angeles Times
Revenge is sweet, just like Valentine’s Day chocolates. At least, that is what a vengeful, Cupid-masked killer thinks. Be my Valentine … or else. Broken hearts and other mortal wounds await a cast of contemporary young stars when they play dating-scene veterans dying for love in this humor-laced, twist-filled thriller cleverly directed by Jamie Blanks (Urban Legend) and starring David Boreanaz (Angel, Bones), Denise Richards (Starship Troopers), Marley Shelton (Scream 4, Planet Terror), Katherine Heigl (Grey’s Anatomy) and more. Cards, candy and flowers are nice. But for fans of stalker-shocker terror, there’s nothing like a Valentine.
Why We Love It
“With well over eight hours of extras and a shiny, new remaster, this collector’s edition will wildly exceed most any expectation you could possibly have set.” Adam Tyner, DVDtalk.com
“Scream Factory surely thinks so and have given it one of their most loaded Collector’s Edition releases. The interviews are all fantastic (Even if the off camera people seem to be trying to force some narratives) and the audio/video transfer is rock solid.” Brandon Peters, Whysoblu.com
“The new 2k scan looks quite good and the amount of extra interviews included on this disc makes it worth a pick-up for any slasher fan, and even those that were unsure of Valentine‘s quality on first watch should revisit with this release.” Ryne Barber, Cultsploitation.com
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