Close Your Eyes And The Adventure Begins.
Alex Gardner (Dennis Quaid) is a man with an incredible psychic gift… but for years has used it solely for personal gain. Reuniting with his old mentor, Dr. Novotny (Max von Sydow), Gardner joins a government project in which he learns to channel his abilities in order to enter peoples’ subconscious through their dreams. As his powers grow, the young psychic soon finds himself in a living nightmare of conspiracy and murder… and the only way out is to go back in.
A sleeper hit on its initial release, Dreamscape’s reputation as a classic of ’80s genre entertainment has only grown over the years. From its impressive cast – including Christopher Plummer, Kate Capshaw, Eddie Albert, David Patrick Kelly, and George Wendt – to behind-the-camera talent such as director Joseph Ruben (The Stepfather) and co-writer Chuck Russell (A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors, 1988’s The Blob), Dreamscape is a rousing mix of science fiction, adventure, and horror beyond your wildest imagination.
Why We Love It
“The Shout! Factory ‘Collector’s Edition’ Blu-ray produces the best package to-date – by far – for enjoying this film one night in your Home Theater…Recommended!” – Gary W. Tooze, DVD Beaver
“Dreamscape is a cool movie—the kind of imaginative, genre-bending sleeper that was a regular fixture in the 1980s but more or less fell through the cracks once that decade came to an end. It’s never going to be the best-known or best-loved movie about entering dreams, but it has a great cast, terrific special effects, and an endless supply of imagination. I’ll take a movie like that any day of the week.” – Patrick Bromley, Daily Dead
“Dreamscape continues to be a cool little cult movie that had that sort of idea that would pump into films like The Matrix and Inception many many years later, but manages to be a cool enough film itself. This is the second Blu-ray release, the first coming over 6 years ago. And let me tell you, this is WELL worth the replacement/upgrade. Scream Factory has done a new transfer that is VERY impressive as well as added all the interviews and such to make this the definitive edition for years to come.” – Brandon Peters, Why So Blu
“Scream Factory’s Blu-ray upgrade of the movie, with a great transfer and excellent extras, is definitely the definitive version to own.” – Tim Salmons, The Digital Bits
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