“This is our world now… the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud.” – The Mentor, The Hacker’s Manifesto
While practicing the tricks of the trade, a neophyte “hacker” accomplishes the nearly impossible: he hacks the highly secured computer at the Ellingson Mineral Corporation. But in doing so, he unknowingly taps into a high-tech embezzling scheme masked by a computer virus with the potential to destroy the world’s ecosystem! And when the young hacker and his pals are targeted for the crime, the group must launch a massive cyberspace attack — one that will hopefully clear their names and prevent ecological disaster.
By launching the careers of Jonny Lee Miller (Elementary) and Academy Award®-winner Angelina Jolie (1999 Supporting Actress, Girl, Interrupted), Hackers became an underground hit instantly, inspiring music and fashion for the brand-new Internet culture, and has been even hailed as prophetic in its use of computers and hacking.
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